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Yoga nybegynner - Ashtanga Basic - Gruppetrening onsdager

Ashtanga series which has an incredibly powerful healing effect, accessible to as many people as possible. We create a shorter series, retaining the most important elements and supplementing it with a few backbends and gentle chest-opening exercises.

  • StedBærum / Sandvika
    Slependveien 48, 1341 Slependen
  • UndervisningstidOnsdager kl 17.30-18.45
    6 uker
  • Siste kursdag-
  • Pris-
    Ledige plasser

Yoga nybegynner med Ashtanga basic prinsipper: Ashtanga short I have been practicing Ashtanga for more than 10 years and have been teaching it for several years as well. I developed this class based on my experiences. My goal was to make the traditional Ashtanga series, which has an incredibly powerful healing effect, accessible to as many people as possible. Thus, I managed to create a shorter series, retaining the most important elements and supplementing it with a few backbends and gentle chest-opening exercises. I hope this class will be suitable for everyone. Klassen undervises på engelsk i et rolig og behagelig tempo. Instruktør: Anita Barabas Målgruppe: Denne klassen passer for alle som liker å trene hele kroppen, kjenne at pulsen gires litt opp og at varmen sprer seg. Denne timen gir også god fleksibilitet og ro i kroppen & hodet. 10% rabatt på kurs: Uføretrygdede, familie eller student/ungdom oppfyller denne 10% prosent ordningen. OBS - Ta med bevis/dokumentasjon på første kurskveld. På forhånd takk.